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About Ascend
Why Ascend
What is Ascend?
Does PERTS offer an Ascend demo?
What’s the impact of Ascend?
Student Reflections on Instructors Implementing Ascend
Faculty Reflections on Implementing Ascend
Use Ascend to Strengthen Your Teaching Portfolio
Ascend Showcase, June 2022: Full Video
Lessons from the LEARN Network, Spring 2022 - Spring 2023
Who developed Ascend?
Learning Conditions in Ascend
What are learning conditions? (Ascend)
How can I improve learning conditions? (Ascend)
What if learning conditions improve but learning outcomes don’t? (Ascend)
Learning Condition Spotlight: Belonging Certainty
Ascend Eligibility & Pricing
Who can use Ascend?
How much does it cost to use Ascend?
Updates to Ascend
What enhancements were made to Ascend for 2023-24?
What enhancements were made to Ascend for 2022-2023?
What updates are coming to Ascend in 2023-24?
What enhancements were made to Ascend for 2021-2022?
What is Copilot?
Lead an Ascend Community
Prepare to Facilitate an Ascend Community
How to be an Ascend Community Lead
Structures & Cultures that Support Improvement
How much time does it take to implement Ascend?
Does PERTS offer planning consultations?
What advanced features do you offer for large-scale implementation?
Support Ascend Community Members
How can I introduce Ascend to key stakeholders?
Ascend Checklist for Instructors (Class Leads)
Community of Practice Meeting Protocols
Does PERTS facilitate Communities of Practice?
Instructors Can Add Ascend Experience to Resume & LinkedIn
Privacy, Security & Terms of Use
Policy & Terms
What are your privacy and security policies?
Do I need IRB approval?
Can you change your terms of use?
Student Privacy & Confidentiality
Can educators see individual students’ survey responses?
Why do you collect student email addresses?
Educator Privacy & Communication
Who can access reports?
Program Set Up & Participation Monitoring
How do I create an Ascend, Catalyze, or Elevate account?
Why did I receive an invitation to a PERTS program?
Can I use PERTS programs remotely?
Help! I’m having trouble accessing Elevate, Ascend, or Catalyze.
What is a Community?
What are Defaults in a Community?
What are Community Pins?
How do I add or remove existing Classes/Groups in a Community?
What is included in a Community Report?
What is Community Archiving?
Does PERTS offer support for large scale Community set up?
Members (People & Permissions)
Orientation to the Members Page
What roles exist and what are the associated permissions?
Who should I invite to my Community?
How do I add/remove Community Members and update roles?
Classes, Groups, & Rosters
Orientation to the Classes/Groups Page
What is a Class/Group and how do I set one up?
What is a Roster?
What are Sign-On Types?
What is a Sign-On Rule?
What is Roster Locking?
What if a participant on a Roster used an incorrect identifier?
What is a Focal Group and how do I set one up?
Orientation to the Schedules Page
What is a cycle?
How do I create or edit a survey schedule?
Some participants took the survey before I set my survey schedule or on dates different than my schedule.
Orientation to the Surveys Page
How do I administer the Ascend or Elevate survey to my students?
What are participants asked on the survey?
How can I be sure students understand the Elevate questions?
Do the surveys collect any qualitative data?
How can I preview the survey?
Can I select a subset of survey questions or edit the questions?
What accessibility features are available in the survey?
Is the Elevate survey available in Spanish or other languages?
Do participants experience survey fatigue?
What if a participant completes the survey more than once in the same survey window?
Help! A participant can't access the survey.
Can a participant change their survey responses?
How do I maximize student participation in Ascend & Elevate?
How do I maximize participation in Catalyze?
What’s a good response rate?
How do I obtain a more representative sample of survey respondents?
How do I know which participants completed the survey?
How do I know which individuals gave participants the survey?
How to use the Community Participation Dashboard
How to use the Network Participation Dashboard
What are Networks and Network Leads?
How do I Create a Network for my Communities?
How do I add/remove Communities to a Network?
How do I add/remove Network Leads?
Use Your Report to Improve Learning Conditions
How do I use my Ascend/Elevate report?
How can I debrief results with students?
How can I use my report to start my improvement journey?
How can I support instructors as they review feedback from students?
Report Basics & Terminology
What do reports include & who has permission to view them?
When are reports generated?
How do I access, share, and save reports?
How can I access reports from a previous year?
What does "rated positively" mean?
What does “basic needs security” mean in Ascend?
In Focal Group counts, what does “in some classes/groups” mean?
How do I see results for each survey?
How can I access raw, student-level survey response data?
How to Read Your Reports
How to Use Communication Fidelity
How to Use the Student Experience Overview
How to Use Learning Condition Trends
How to Use Detailed Results by Survey
How to Use Detailed Results by Subpopulation
How to Use Participation by Subpopulation
How to Use Focal Group Summary in Community Reports
How to use Detailed Results by Community in Network Reports
How do I interpret data in the exported .csv format from my Network report?
Data Calculations in Reports
How are data calculated in reports?
How are responses to negatively worded questions displayed in reports?
Are partial survey responses included in reports?
What do we do with missing data (e.g., when a participant skips a survey)?
A Class missed a survey. How does that affect our reports?
How is the number of responses calculated?
Data Disaggregation in Reports
How are survey results disaggregated?
How are race-ethnicity data collected and reported?
How is gender identity collected and reported?
Why don’t I see disaggregated data for a particular group?
Report Troubleshooting
Help! I can’t find my reports, or they didn’t update.
Can I combine my Class/Group reports into a single Community report?
Open navigation
How do I add/remove Network Leads?
Modified on: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 3:00 PM
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